Friday, December 30, 2011
::end of 2011::
Monday, December 12, 2011
:thank you::
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
I need my strength now. Yeah, I need them. I need my mom, I need my father, I need my aunt, I need my friend and I need my family now. Seriously, everything here is just not right. I need them to talk to and I need their arms and their shoulders to put my head on. It’s true I have friends here but I just want them. Yeah, I’m happy outside but inside of me am lonely. I don’t know why? And I can’t say it in a word. I just need a few hours to meet all of them. I wish I were there with them now. Laughing and hang out. I miss all the moment. The way they treat me, how they make me happy. And for sure is, they know how to comfort me when I’m down. I’m not saying my friends here are not good enough but for moment like this I need someone that knows me well. I can smile when I’m here with my friends, going to class like usually, laughing; hang out, watching movie and so on. But, when I’m laying my body, all the people I need just come out from my head. Well, I guess I miss them too much. When am with them, everything is fine. All the things are just like what I want. Huh. I need my family. I want to be with them. I want to laugh and share the day happily. I need my friends there. I want to hang out until the morning. Even only in a small village but it’s enough for us to spend our time together. I don’t need a bowling, movie, or something like that when I’m with them. We just need a place to sit together and that’s enough to make our day pass awesome. I don’t need internet with them. And I don’t need a fake smile when I’m not happy with them. But here, when I’m down I need to pretend everything is okay. But the truth is NOT. It’s not means I’m being hypocrites here, but I just can’t share it yet. When with them, I can be like what I use to be. But here, I just can’t. OH GOD, I wish I can throw all this feelings far away. I have a test to do and my final exam is coming soon. I NEED MY STRENGHT.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
When I look outside the window.. I wondering if I ready and did I manage to wake up for tomorrow... ??? Yeah.. I manage to live today but can I tomorrow..??? And I don't know what’s waiting me tomorrow, but for sure is I have to face it... no matter what happen good or bad I will just go through it.. Cause I know I can face it like what I did today... and I know I have awesome people around me to walk by my side... thanks to Allah... I hope all this people will stand by my side forever and ever until my breath stop.. Tomorrow is waiting for me... it gonna bring me a new life and new experience also new challenges... I can't wait to face it but am I ready...???? I hope I can be more better than today cause perfect is impossible.. no one is perfect... night is just pass... sunlight is waiting to shine... no matter what happen I know I can through it... and I will put all my strength.... WAITING FOR TOMORROW.....
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Friday, August 19, 2011
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday, May 8, 2011
..fuhh !!! exam da abis...

Saturday, May 7, 2011
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Tuesday, May 3, 2011
rintihan si remaja

Sunday, February 27, 2011

F.R.I.E.N.D.S....a simple woRd buT full oF meaNing...dorG la orG yg keraP kalIk berada dI sIsI kita...PELBAgAI RAGAm KAWAn YG AdA,,DR YG BAEk,JAhAT DAn YAnG TAlAM DUA MUkA...BuT...WATEVER THEy ArE..THEy ARE THe BEST THiNG In OuR LIfe....whEn u haD a prOBLEm..WHoS u gONNA SEE AND TElL BOuT It...BLA KAMu BEGEMBIRA..SIApA YANG AKAN kmu jmpa dan kongsI ceta e2..dan bla KM PERLUKAN SESEOrg siaPA ya AKAN berada di sIsi kamU dan mendengaR rintiHan haTi seorang TEMAn yg berada dlm kesusaHan...KAWAN la yang akan menjaDi insan tersebut...walau kadaNg mereka menyakitkan haTi,namUn mereka tetaP yaNG TERBAiK DI HArI2MU....bertemU dgn insan yang bergelar TEMAN banyaK ragamnya...da yg baIk,ada yang berpura2 daN ada gak yang ikhlas....bagI teman yang baIk dan ikhlas mereka adalaH peneman hidUp yang setia..namun jika sebalIknya...mereka adalH org yanG hanya berteman dgnmU semata2 keraNa ada kepentingannya....thaT was so saD when u saiD u havE no frIends..wat the heel oF dat!!WAt U GOnNA Do.?SPEND UR TIME ALONE .?HUH.. wtF....wateveR iT is...they aRe awesOme...