hehehe...lama da x update nie benda...terlalu lama.. mlm nie terasa gatal plak tangan nak update..nak tulis apa erkk.. ??? pkir luk ... oke fine... hehe ...ceta sal idup kat sini la.. da 4 bulan kat melaka.. xsedar rasanya...rndu sgt2 ngan femili n kawan2 d sabah.. neway its good to be here too..hehhe.. i got many new friends and a new kind of lifestyle..fuiyoo...setakat nie epi sgt2 kat sini... gaya??? still be myself..what kind of person im here..dats me... i never change myself for sometink ... juz be myself...n its too good.. hehe.. cuma tambah2 nakal kot.. asyik nak jalan ja...huhu.. duit pun da abis.. nceb da my luvly mama.. hehe.. tanxx mom.. aQ jmpa bemacam2 bnda kat sini.. dr orang,bahasa,cara idup n many else.. its too many if i want to talk bout it... juz make it easy... life here its different .. i had to be independent.. its all about yourself.. if u strong then u survive.. jangan nak ikut gay org jak ..t melencong ntah ke mana.. jd diri sendir kan baek.. pas 2 aQ berhadapan dgn berbagai org..hehe.. da yang baik,da yg kurg baik.. nak di jadikan ceta.. da la sorg dua nie yg anggap dorg 2 da tinngi sgt.. huh .. pedulik kan dorg ..tinggi mana pun c kemana.. tetap gak makhluk Allah yg di cipta dr tanah kan.. PERSETANKAN DORG.. hahahaha .. dorg nak ckp besar ka,nak ckp dorg hebat ka.. aQ pedulik apa... the important is.. i like be myself, n i know myself.. even i stupid or sometink thats me orite ... jgn nak bajet hebat sgt la ... !!! haha.. wait2.. who's im talking about.. hahahha ??? ntah la sapa.. sapa mkn cili terasa pedas... heheh... last sebulan dua kat sini epi sgt2,tmbah tekana.. ceta epi luk ya... yg epinya jln sakan..hehe p kl,men boling,tgok movie..n byk g.. tanxx to teman jalan aQ,,nazir,faiq mirul n kadang2 ganu n fairus,,heheh... terbaek la jln ngan korg... nex sem wat g yerr..hahaha.... ceta tekanan plak..of course la exam...haiyaa.. that thing really killing me... x tdo jwbnya... hafal buku pun ada..haha..but so far GOOD la.. mudahan lepas... malas nak repeat g em depan..huhu... tinggal 14 HARI g blek..yeay2..can't wait the time.... hehe..HOMESICK jo... oke la...pnjang sua nie coretan x bermakna pg nie..heheheh...INSYAALAAH t akan d sambung...heheh.... selamat subul ollss.....
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