Friday, December 30, 2011

::end of 2011::

it ends tonight's ~ All American Rejects

i choose this song for ends of 2011....

yeah.. it's end tonight's..2011 officially close it's page yesterday... now.. i wish nothing but the best for you... let's welcome 2012... hehe.. big smile in the first morning of 2012... wish??? oh no.!!! i'm not going to make a wish.. why??? because the "wish" thing not working at all for me.. so, i think it's better for me to follow the flow of this year...

many things happen in this year.. there's a lot to talk about it... let's make it simple.. i started this year in a new place in MELAKA which is where i am now... why i'm here??... simple... i'm here because i am accepted as a degree student of UITM... hehehe.. it's the best thing happens for me in this year... yeay.... a lot of memory to remembered... sadness, happiness, experiences, challenges and so on... wow... i manage to live this year happily.. in a new place, new friends, new environment and maybe as a new person... no!! i'm just kidding about "as a new person" lol... THANKS TO GOD... i manage to live because of HIM... and much loves for peoples around me... My family, friends, and especially to person that i most love in this world my mom, my bapa, my nenek, my makcik, my siblings, and my niece... thanks to you all because always stand by me .. much love for you all.. muahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! and to my old and new friends thanks a lot....... special thanks to my new friends because always help me here..

i wish nothing but the best for you~ Adele

this song for a new 2012...
i don't know what gonna happen this year.. but i hope this year will become more awesome than before.. AMIN!!!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR WORLD..... let's welcome this year with a big smile in our face.......

Monday, December 12, 2011

:thank you::

when night is coming.. there's a lot of things play in my mind.. today, while i listening music i remembered what I've done before... then i smile alone... oh God.. i wish i can go back there... i remembered when i had a great time with my friends.. its a long time ago.. back then, we use to hang out togethers.. doing things what we want to do.. no matter is good or bad we still do it.. but now, everyone is grown up.. everybody have their own life.. just like me... but all the moments we create together is the wonderful things in my life... we screw all the things.. skip school together, chase by the guard, hang out till the morning,club***** and so on.. Thanks to God... You give me such a wonderful friends to stand by me.. i know You send them to me for a reasons.. and i think i know the reasons... You send them to tell me whats is life is all about... to teach me how to live this life.. to stand by me when i need them.. You send people who accept me as who i am.. and to told me good or bad... i know i 'm not a perfect friend but i try to become a good friends...

i found this happiness when YOU test my family... yeah.. that's the truth... "saat kita tercari-cari matahari, Allah menurunkan hujan.. kita menangis mencari kemana hilangnya matahari.. rupa-rupanya Allah ingin menghadiahkan kita pelangi".. i'm not sure if write this sentence correct or not.. but its something like that.. what i want to say is... this sentence is true.. when God test us, actually He want to give us something ... so don't be to sad.. that's whats happen to me.. somethings that's i never imagine just happen to me.. and it's almost ruin everything's.. but behind all of that.. i found the happiness that i never imagine i can get... i found all these people.. people who's teach me everything's and people who's help me grow up to face the real life.... a precious gifts from God.. they know how to comfort me.. how to make me happy... when i sad they always by my side...

BUT... u can't ask only a good persons in your life.. there's always black when white is just fine... yeah.. this kind of person ??? i just want to kick their ass out of my life... i don't need them... what the hell they doing in my life ..if they want to spoil everything's just forget it.. i'm not letting them to do it... i'm not strong to faced them but i have people around me to fight them... i found many of them in my life.. a friends only when they need u... a friends that always stab your back and friends that have a split character which i called them "RUBBISH"... BUT.. i just can't throw them away... cause i'm not like them... if u want to be my friend.. it's okey with me... actually.. this kind of people teach me how to live this life carefully.. just like what my mom tell me.. be a friends with all people.. take the good things from them and the bad things take it as a experiences...

wow... now i realize .. realize that i manage to live my life awesome till now.. hahaha... yesterday become a history... today is a real things and tomorrow is a mystery... i live my life awesome.. how about u??? think about it.. and i'm sure u gonna smile.. thinks about it make u more appreciate your life... Thanks to God because give me a such wonderful life.. and i want to thanks to all people around me who make my life precious... and people who spoil everything's i forgive you..haha.. Good night world...

:::::::::LIVE LIFE LOVE YOUR LIFE::::::::

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

I need my strength now. Yeah, I need them. I need my mom, I need my father, I need my aunt, I need my friend and I need my family now. Seriously, everything here is just not right. I need them to talk to and I need their arms and their shoulders to put my head on. It’s true I have friends here but I just want them. Yeah, I’m happy outside but inside of me am lonely. I don’t know why? And I can’t say it in a word. I just need a few hours to meet all of them. I wish I were there with them now. Laughing and hang out. I miss all the moment. The way they treat me, how they make me happy. And for sure is, they know how to comfort me when I’m down. I’m not saying my friends here are not good enough but for moment like this I need someone that knows me well. I can smile when I’m here with my friends, going to class like usually, laughing; hang out, watching movie and so on. But, when I’m laying my body, all the people I need just come out from my head. Well, I guess I miss them too much. When am with them, everything is fine. All the things are just like what I want. Huh. I need my family. I want to be with them. I want to laugh and share the day happily. I need my friends there. I want to hang out until the morning. Even only in a small village but it’s enough for us to spend our time together. I don’t need a bowling, movie, or something like that when I’m with them. We just need a place to sit together and that’s enough to make our day pass awesome. I don’t need internet with them. And I don’t need a fake smile when I’m not happy with them. But here, when I’m down I need to pretend everything is okay. But the truth is NOT. It’s not means I’m being hypocrites here, but I just can’t share it yet. When with them, I can be like what I use to be. But here, I just can’t. OH GOD, I wish I can throw all this feelings far away. I have a test to do and my final exam is coming soon. I NEED MY STRENGHT.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

When I look outside the window.. I wondering if I ready and did I manage to wake up for tomorrow... ??? Yeah.. I manage to live today but can I tomorrow..??? And I don't know what’s waiting me tomorrow, but for sure is I have to face it... no matter what happen good or bad I will just go through it.. Cause I know I can face it like what I did today... and I know I have awesome people around me to walk by my side... thanks to Allah... I hope all this people will stand by my side forever and ever until my breath stop.. Tomorrow is waiting for me... it gonna bring me a new life and new experience also new challenges... I can't wait to face it but am I ready...???? I hope I can be more better than today cause perfect is impossible.. no one is perfect... night is just pass... sunlight is waiting to shine... no matter what happen I know I can through it... and I will put all my strength.... WAITING FOR TOMORROW.....

Saturday, November 26, 2011


sometimes u need to think of yourself... who cares about what peoples talks bout u.. u are who u are.. let them talks what they want.. as long as u happy then keep going... no one can stop what u want to do.. be a leader in Ur life and not a slave dude,,,.. since Ur a leader make Ur own soldier.. bring them to Ur battlefield... make a strategy.. lead Ur soldier.. u can win if u think so.. but,, watch out Ur soldier.. without them u are not too strong.. its true u can win by yourself.. but, it easy when u have a soldier... two is better than one rights..?? what i want to say is... Ur life Ur rules... if there is someone want to break Ur rule.. kick their ass.. who the hell they think they are... in Ur life they have to follow Ur rule... if they don't... forget them.. keep smile n smile....

Sunday, September 18, 2011


hye everyone... how u doing.. fine i guest..hehe.. today is my second week in melaka.. yeah.. after 4 monts holiday im back here again as a student of UITM..heheh.. its my second sem as a dgree student of HUMAN RESOURCES.. theres not a lot thing i can talk about my second sem here.. but a lot thing i want to talk about our new house here.. huh.. its make me crazy... fisrt day i arrived here its so suck u know.. everything they said about this house is liar... like old people say "khabar tak seindah rupa".. huhu... i have to clean up my room until morning.. how can i do that.. i only arrived about 10min and i had to do it... WTH!!.. and then i had a lot thing to buy for this "nice" house.. the surrounding is quite good.. and the best things is.. everynight we had a beauty sleep song.. "bunyi mat2 rempit belegar".. thanks to yayasan melaka.. but now.. everything is under control.. my room and this house going better and better.. but for sure is.. next sem i want a new house.. i dont want to live here until i grade.. when talk about this place.. this place make me feel uncomfartable.. but our new house is just near with our only take a 2 minutes to class.. its the best la.. but overall "bole la".. i still under roof with my old roomate before.. only 3 person is quite new to me.. hahaha.. im in the first room in this house.. when u open the door then u gonna see my room.. and the worse is.. i have to spend more for my appetite.. the "murah warung" is far from here.. oh no!!!!! i had to diet.. lol... first week in this new house is really "mengusutkan" .. but i had to besyukur coz i still have a place to sleep.. heheh.. alhamdulillah.. and ignore all that messy then concentrate to my study... i have a lot of thing to do for this sem.. beside that, i must got a better result before this... oke enought for tonight.. have a nice day......

Saturday, September 17, 2011

andai aku diberi peluang ingin aku kembali ke zaman kanak-kanak... berlari,bermain dan sentiasa bergembira,, apabila aku menangis ada yang menenteramkan aku.. bila aku sakit aku dirawat sebaiknya... tika itu aku hidup penuh dengan ketenangan... melihat dunia dari sudut yang berbeza.. menjelajah dunia bersama yang tersayang.. namun semua itu tidak mungkin berlaku... hari berganti hari usia semakin meningkat.. pemikiran dan akal juga semakin mematangkan diri... kadang terasa takut untuk berjalan,
untuk berkata-kata,
untuk berlari,
untuk bermain,
untuk bergembira,
... takut untuk berjalan kerana takut langkah kaki kan menuju jalan yang salah...
...takut untuk berkata-kata kerana takut mulut kan berbicara sesuatu yang takbur...
...takut berlari kerana takut akan terjatuh ke jurang kegelapan...
..takut untuk bermain kerana takut untuk melakukan sesuatu yang melalaikan..
..takut untuk bermain kerana takut permainan akan berganti kepada kecelekaan...
..dan takut untuk bersedih kerana takut kesedihan menjadikan diri tidak mampu untuk bangkit semula...
bila bersendirian dan merenung kepada keindahan ciptaan Allah.. sungguh tenang jiwa.. lantas terpikir pernahkah aku berterima kasih dan bersyukur kepada Allah atas nikmat yang telah diberikan-Nya... pernahkah diri sujud memuji keagungan-Nya... sungguh lalai hamba-Nya apabila diberikan nikmat yang berganda.. mudah melupakan.. mata di butakan dengan kenikmatan dunia begitu sahaja.. tidak pernah terlintas di dalam dirinya bahwa itu ujian dari-Nya.. namun bila dia dalam kesusahan terkumat-kamit mulutnya memohon pertolongan dari Allah... namun Allah itu sentiasa berada disamping hamba-nya.. mendengar setiap rintihan walau sekeji mana hamba-Nya... hidup ini indah untuk dinikmati.. bila diri tahu megindahkannya...
... mata melihat keindahan ciptaan Allah sebaiknya..
.. mulut membicarakan keagungan Allah...
..kaki melangkah ke arah jalan benar..
... telinga mendengar ayat-ayat suci al-quran..
..tangan melakarkan karya-karya ajaran islam...
kehidupan bukan semata-semata untuk kita hidup tetapi kerana Allah.. kehidupan bukan semata-semata untuk kita mati tetapi kita mati untuk hidup.... Hati merintih kepada keredhaan-Nya.. tapi cukupkah rintihan itu untuk didengari kerana kejahilan diri .. masih mampukah tubuh melaksanakan suruhan-Nya .. mampukah diri melawan hasutan syaitan laknatullah... dosa dan kesilapan dilakukan dari hari ke hari.... meniti hidup bergelumang dosa.. masih belum cukupkah segala kenikmatan sehingga lupa untuk melaksanakn tanggungjawab sebagai hamba Allah...
segala jawapan ada dalam diri sendir.. fikirkan dan tanya diri.. adakah masih layak diri digelar islam ????
umat akhir zaman.. SUBHANALLAH...

Friday, August 19, 2011

lama da xupdate bolg nie.. da berkarat rasanya.. sawang pun da bertabur.. hahahah... ntah npa keburingan di hotel memaksa diri dan tangan menulis.. sebenarnya nak bagitau skit.. baru jak abis tgok drama NORA ELENA.. bes kot drama nie.. oke2.. ceta sal len.. nak ceta pengalaman menempuhi ramadhan sepanjang 20 tahun aQ hidup.. heheh... mang byk dugaan tym nie.. tp plg bes gak bulan ranadhan.. xtw npa.. tp mgkin krana rahmat dari-Nya... seminggu awal ramadhan 2 memang oke sgt2.. xde hal langsung la.. sumanya masih g berposa.. heheh.. tapi bila masuk minggu seterusnya.. ermm.. d cnie la dugaan yang plg besar berlaku.. hahaha.. ayat x ley blah.. tp betul la.. tym nie kuar segala penyakit.. ntah betul ntah tidak.. tp kebanyakannya x betull.. hahahah.. sengaja xnak posa.. bila da ada yang x posa.. yang c posa nie pun akan tercabar imannya... lalau berlakulah fenomena posa hanya di rumah.. hahahahah... maccam sial... the best part of ramadhan is at night.. pergi terawih... mang bes la kan.. tym nie masjid kompem2 penuh... huh.. mang besa terjadi.. abis terawih lepak jap kat masjid.. p tadarus al quran. tp 2 dulu la,, skg xda.. hehehe.. abis 2 akan berlaku perkara2 yang lucu.. bermalam d masjid.. maka muncul la adegan2 yang x disangkakan.. perkara2 bodoh biasanya akan terjadi.. maklumlah masih g nda cukup umur... hahaha.. kalau x stay kat masjid akan berkeliaran meronda kampung... main mercu mmg bes tp kalau da lempar mercun kat badan org 2 mmg sial la kan.. hahaah... fenomena bertanding meriam buloh atau juga bedil gak akan berlaku.. walau posa sanggup masuk utan p mencari the best buloh 2k wat meriam.. pas 2 buka posa kat hutan.. KEPENATAN KATANYA.. hahahaha... da dapat apa lagi mang meletop la bnda 2 tiap saat dan ketika.. akan bertanding meriam sapa yang plg kuat.. besanya bertanding ngan org len la.. bukannya dengan jiran.. coz jiran akan membantu.. hahaha.. kita dapat lihat di situ semangat kejiranan.. wakakaka... tym nie mang x dapat tdo la org yang berada kat umh.. bunyi mercun disambung dengan meriam sentiasa menganggu niat untuk tidur,.. nak xnak mang kena maki la org 2.. x pun kena lempar or yg plg baik ckit kena teriak.. tp xmakan saman kot budak2 nie.. berhentinya mungkin 3-5 minit ja.. lepas 2 berdentum la kembali.... tp kalu difikirkan benda 2la yang menjadi simbolik ramadhan di kampungku.. heheh.. cop2.. nak ceta sal bazaar.. heheh.. tmpat yang akan menjadi serbuan para muslim dan juga yang x muslim.. datang la kemalasan memasak untuk berbuka.. pergi bazaar sudah.. semuanya ada.. dr lauk,air kuih and banyak lagi.. tinggal pilih ja... terlihatlah kelibat2 org membawa bungkusan makanan yang banyak dr bazaar.. kompem malas nak masak kat umh.. maka bertambah la rezeki peniaga2 di bazaar 2.. congrate.. hahahah.. kat bazaar suma ada.. slalunya aQ p bazaar akan kubeli air jagung and pecal.. e2 sudah cukup.. tp kalau kat tenom akan ku beli kek cheese or coklat sepotong dua.. mang terbaik la bulan ramadhan... bnda2 cam gnie la yang menambahkan lagi kemeriahan bulan ramadhan.. boleh tak anda bayangkan kalau xda ramadhan.. tipa bulan akan sama jak.. xda yang berubah.. at least ramadhan membawa perubahan... ceta sal perubahan plak ermm.. dr seorang yang nakal akan berubah menjadi yang soleh pada ramadhan.. tym nie br ingat nak pi masjid.. p solat.. huh.. ditujukan kepada diri sdr juga bukan sekadar menuding jari pada org len.. maaf kalau ada yang terasa.. hehehe.. tym nie br ingat nak beribadat.. nak manghadap Allah.. sebelum nie xde lak nak wat.. huhu.. manusia2.... e2 la salah satu keajaiban bulan ramadhan serta nikmatnya.. dapat merubah seseorang dan memenuhkan rumah Allah.... banyak nak ceta nie.. tp mata da ngantuk... ramadhan is the best month in my life.. a lot of things happen.. funny,stupid and many else.. but thats make ramadhan a special month,... SELAMAT MENYAMBUT BULAN RAMADHAN... jadikan ramadhan tahun ini untuk kita beribadat dengan lebih banyak dr tahun2 sebelumnya....

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

what u mean by life... different person have a different opinion bout it rite?,, for me life is something special that God give to us.. life is all bout everything.. have u heard about sadness and happiness... i bet u heard and u know it guys... in life that thing is always by our side.. when u upset u are sad rite.. and when u happy u called happiness.. what a stupid sentence.. hahahaha.. actually i dun know if i write it correctly.. forget bout it.. i'm juz a human that learn something new everyday.. hehe.. so, its not wrong if it right o not.. we learn from mistake.. oke2.. lets go to the main point...SADNESS AND HAPPINESS.. lets talk about sadness first... sadness is something that bad or not good happen in our life... for example is.. when we lost something o someone we gonna sad rite.. but sadnness is also good.. why?? because from that we can appreciate o learn something... this few months i had really2 bad day.. and thats make me sad.. i lost somemone that i love.. when u sad.. all things u do is not gonna happen.. i tots so la.. couse that feeling make urself not in good condition.. like block ur mind??.. hahaha... nonsense.. but i think yess... u gonna alone and u dont know what u want to do.. u will do something stupid to take it away from u.. like.. drinking alcohol,taking pills.. and rest of it.. but thats not the right thing u gonna do guys.. juz take it easy.. and if u can't handle it maybe u can share that feelink.. yeah.. that will help u lot.. when u share it .. u will feel like free from that feelink.. y?? i dont know .. cause i am not a psycholigist or something.. ahahahhaha... but thats what i heard.. and i do it too.. and thats really working.. i told u.. now go HAPPINESS.. what a good feelink when u talk bout it.. for example.. when u got present from ur parents... u gonna happy rite.. thats we called happiness.. it leads u to a real ggod life.. and if u dont know how to appreaciate it.. i called them.. STUPID MORON.. hahahaha... juz kidding.. who's in this world not appreaciate it.. u tell me.. and i gonna kick his ass... hahaha... MELALAUT DAH... but yeah.. i gonna do thats if i found that person... actually.. i dont know if i write all this correct or not.. and im not sure if u understand bout what i write,,, coz im not "normal" rite now... my hands keep writing this... im sorry if all of this nonsense... btw,,, have a great life u all... GOOD NITE...

Sunday, July 10, 2011

GRANDPA.. da 33 ari atok PERGI...rasa lain st kat umh nie.. GRANDPA.. u know rite that we love u sgt2,,.. u are the best grandpa that i ever had.. atok ingat kan time kita bergembira.. like what what we did.. pergi kebun.. kita petik buah, bersihkan kebun.. u are great farmer atok.. atok jaga kebun atok sdr ja.. mmg terbaik la.. and i remember when u are disappointed.. time tue ada org nak beli buah atok,, then atok pun jual la.. pas 2 org 2 janji nak byr tp upanya org 2 tipu atok.. huhu.. kesian kat atok.. i know how sad u are that time.. tp atok tenang ja.. mmg atok org yg baik.. bila kami kumpul ramai2 kat umh nie kita slalu talk about u atok.. especially in kitchen.. slalunya kalau kumpul kat dapur atok slalu duk kat kerusi and tempat yang sama.. mang kat c2 la tmpat atok slalu.. pas 2 time kak rainy wat lucu atok senyum ja skg.. sumanya tinggal kenangan ja... kak rainy ckp atok slalu "backing" anak2 atok bila nenek marah dorg.. thats make u are great atok.. pas 2 atok gak slalu menangkan kami bila nenek marah kami.. hehe.. miss that.. atok ni mang atok yg ebat.. nak tau kenapa? sebab dulu time kecik2 atok slalu jmpa kami bila kami "betapuk" sebab tak nak blek tenom.. kami sembunyi kat mana pun atok jmpa.. even kat bwh katil.dlm drom and yang plg mengejutkan atok leh jumpa kami time kami nyorok kat kolam dkat padang.. pas 2 atok pujuk kami blek dgn suara lembut atok.. huh.. mang byk kenangan ngan atok.. time mlm pun slalu ngat atok.. sebab dulu time atok masih ada aQ slalu ambik rokok atok sebab rokok da abis.. hehehe... bila nak ke dapur pun terbayang kat atok tgh baring2 kat dalam bilik.. seems like u still here atok.. atok nak tau tak.. time atok PERGI suma sedih sgt2.. terutamanya nenek and anak2 nenek also cucu nenek.. kak rainy yang kat pahang pun dgn urgent blek kg.. msti atok ingat kan.. time atok nazak emboi kat sebelah atok bacakan atok YASIN.. atok senyum ja kat emboi.. pas 2 atok sentuh Yasin 2 and tgn emboi.. emboi rasa len sgt2.. buat kali terakhir kami nmpak atok senyum dgn gembira... kami xtau kenapa.. but maybe atok gembira sebab ramai dtg jenguk atok.. atok pergi depan mata emboi.. thats was so sad atok.. time 2 emboi tgh bacakan atok yasin kali yang ke 2.. separuh Yasin 2 emboi baca atok da pergi.. sgt2 sedih.. macik jia terus nangis nenek pun sama... emboi ak pernah bygkan yang atok akan pergi depan mata emboi.. tp e2 lah akikatnya.. suma dtg jenguk atok... mama tak sempat tgok nenek sebab mama dlm perjalanan blek kg begitu gak ngan kak rainy.. pagi atok pergi ramai yang dtg jenguk atok wat kali terakhirnya.. kwan2 atok pun ramai dtg... sayu sgt melihat atok di kapankan... mmg terasa sgt2 kehilangan dgn pemergian atok.. i know i never say this to u "i love u".. tp dlm ati nie sgt2 sayang atok.. kami arap nenek bersemadi dgn aman...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

..fuhh !!! exam da abis...

EXAM,,fuhh.. mmg menyakitkan otak...hehe.. tym exam jak banyak la yg jadi.. there's a lot of funny and worse thing happen when exam is coming... i can see it from my secondry school until im in UNIVERSITY.. xde perbezaan pun... hampir sama jak keadaannya bila exam da start.. Fistly,,of course la.. d cnie la tekanan dtg melanda... hahahha .. ada la yang cukup mkn. tdor n minum.. suma sibuk mentelaah buku yang jrg2 di buka *exception for gempak student*...pas 2 da la yang mula membebel.. "napa la aQ x study dr dulu ??.. "oh begini,kalau aQ tw dr dulu lg aQ study ?? dan yang plg sadisnya.. "oi nak bace ape erkk tuk exam sok ??? huh.. that are the worse word out form a person who are student.. lw xtau nak study pa bgus x yah study lgsung.. mang soalan cepumas..xkan la nak study kulit buku 2 kan.. haiyaa.. mang sah2 la kena study isi buku tu.. ambik kw.. hafal kw buku 2.. hahahah... Secondly is a change of lifestyle.. hahaha.. actually not really la.. when exam.. kebanyakannya stay kat bilik ja.. jrg sekali nak kuar umh.. pas 2 mkn pun berkurangan.. but not me.. hahaha.. da yang standby megi 2k tgh mlm..maklumla takut lapar coz study pai pg.. and for the first time.. book is a real friend..hahaha .. xleh blah ayat 2... thirdly.. pas 2 tym exam ne la LIBRARY beCome a best place.. bapak penuh library ari2.. before this.. huh.. jangan arap la nak penuh..hahaha... pg ke mlm da jak pelajar yang mengunjungi library.. da xde masa da kan.. study kat umh takut ada gangguan anasir2 jaat.. hahaha.. , library is the best place... TP skg da abis exam.. now m free...cuti 4 bulan ouhhh... melepak lg cetanya... nak keja tp ada ka keja erkk.. yg tepatnya.. ada ka Org nak ambik aQ keja...?? hahahaha...ermm... diam2 di umh jak la cetanya lw begini... OPss .. chop2.. to dearest all friend... i wish u had a best holiday... see u all nex sem oke... umh nie da semakin sunyi.. suma da blek.. tggal aQ ngan dak sarawak jak la d snie... kecian..... oke guys... enough for this time.... daaa...... ASSALAMUALAIKUM,,,,..

Saturday, May 7, 2011


KEHIDUPAN...bila berceta tentang kehidupan...banyak benda yang terlintas di is all about everything... tentnang engkau,si dia,teman,cinta dan banyak lg...hidup ini mengajar kita seribu erti pengertian...pengertian yang sukar untuk diungkapkan oleh secebis kata2...orang kata..hidup umpama roda..kadang kita diatas kadang kita it true ?? yes... sangat2 betul..ada kalanya kita di atas dan ada kalanya kita di bawah... bila kita di atas hidup ini terlalu indah kita rasakan..seolah2 dunia milik kita.. ermmm... tp.. kala kita di bawah..huh... suma seakan-akan tidak menjadi... saat itu la kita menjadi orang yang tidak keruan... hilang arah tuju,hilang tempat mengadu,dan hilang erti hidup...
tp harus kita ingat hidup ini dalah anugerah yang paling terindah bagi kita...kita bertemu dengan kwan,cinta dan keluarga dalam hidup ini... lets talk about family.. heh.. family !!! the most wonderful thing happen to our life.. mereka la yang mengajar kita erti hidup,memberi hidup ini bermakna dan memberi seribu satu wrna kepada hidup kita.. tanpa mereka seakan hilang satu anggota tubuh badan ini... then FRIENDS.. BANYAK Benda yang nak cerita tentang kawan.. lets make it simple.. friends like an lilin... dorg dtg menambah chaya dalam hidup... dorg gak tempat kita bercerita,bergembira and many else.. whatis life without them.. heh .. but,, dalam berkawan haruslah berwaspada,, kerana bukan semuanya jujur,baik dan ikhlas... then talks abaout CINTA... Ni kira bab yang plg digemari.. hehe..cinta seolah2 satu revolusi kepada diri kita.. cinta boleh merubah seseorang dan cinta gak boleh membutakan diri,hati dan mata...namun.. xkan hilang cinta dalam hidup ini... make it is abaout life n love your life....

Thursday, May 5, 2011

hye.. mat pagi sume.. awal bgun ari nie.. nak ceta sal semalam la.. hheeh.. semalam pi pizza... suma ken sponsor leh faiq.. nyum2 ... best gler.. sepanjang mkn 2 ketawa ja keja.. da ja bnda yg bkin ketawa.. tmbah2 g suma sporting.. mlm 2 satu umh pi except mail.. ugi la dia.. da ajak xnak kut plak.. haiyaa... tym nie xbenti2 ketawa.. tmbah2 lg mirul yg suka wat bnda pelik.. ermm.. pa lgi riuh la pizza hut 2.. hahaa... pas 2 nazir pun sm.. haiya... aQ cam besa tgkap gmbar... leh wat kenangan .. heheh ... kenyang gla tym nie... pai cam xlarat nak jln blek.. tym nie order pizza hawaiian sal da sorg mamat nie perasan nak jd warganegara hawaii.. mirul besar.. hahaha... jauh pggang dr api...
look at the pic.. it show a lot of joy and happiness.. they are the best... nceb bek jmpa durg suma nie... lw x ntah la pa yg jd.. da la sorg2 jak kat melaka nie... heheh .. tanxx God for sending me a suck lovely,fun,joyful n manymore friends.. ne la bnda y kami suka wat.. jln n mkn.. pai duit pun da abis.. hahaha... nie kira2 last moment sem nie.. tggal seminggu jak lg.. pas 2 blek sabah.. yeay2...
nie plak tym perjalanan blek ke kolej.. smpat g begambar dpn entrance UITM.. hahaha... well .. this is all about us.. we happy always.. kadang2 cam budak2 ja suma.. suka wat bnda yg pelik n x dirancang.. but.. unplanned things is always be a best things rite. heheh... sem nie epi sgt2 .. sem depan kin tmbah2 epi.. aminn.. oke la nak smbung tdo blek.. heheh... bgun jam 3 pas2 tdo blek jam7 ..hahaha.. jawabnya bgun ptg la ..haiyaa....

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

rintihan si remaja

hehehe...lama da x update nie benda...terlalu lama.. mlm nie terasa gatal plak tangan nak update..nak tulis apa erkk.. ??? pkir luk ... oke fine... hehe ...ceta sal idup kat sini la.. da 4 bulan kat melaka.. xsedar rasanya...rndu sgt2 ngan femili n kawan2 d sabah.. neway its good to be here too..hehhe.. i got many new friends and a new kind of lifestyle..fuiyoo...setakat nie epi sgt2 kat sini... gaya??? still be myself..what kind of person im here..dats me... i never change myself for sometink ... juz be myself...n its too good.. hehe.. cuma tambah2 nakal kot.. asyik nak jalan ja...huhu.. duit pun da abis.. nceb da my luvly mama.. hehe.. tanxx mom.. aQ jmpa bemacam2 bnda kat sini.. dr orang,bahasa,cara idup n many else.. its too many if i want to talk bout it... juz make it easy... life here its different .. i had to be independent.. its all about yourself.. if u strong then u survive.. jangan nak ikut gay org jak ..t melencong ntah ke mana.. jd diri sendir kan baek.. pas 2 aQ berhadapan dgn berbagai org..hehe.. da yang baik,da yg kurg baik.. nak di jadikan ceta.. da la sorg dua nie yg anggap dorg 2 da tinngi sgt.. huh .. pedulik kan dorg ..tinggi mana pun c kemana.. tetap gak makhluk Allah yg di cipta dr tanah kan.. PERSETANKAN DORG.. hahahaha .. dorg nak ckp besar ka,nak ckp dorg hebat ka.. aQ pedulik apa... the important is.. i like be myself, n i know myself.. even i stupid or sometink thats me orite ... jgn nak bajet hebat sgt la ... !!! haha.. wait2.. who's im talking about.. hahahha ??? ntah la sapa.. sapa mkn cili terasa pedas... heheh... last sebulan dua kat sini epi sgt2,tmbah tekana.. ceta epi luk ya... yg epinya jln sakan..hehe p kl,men boling,tgok movie..n byk g.. tanxx to teman jalan aQ,,nazir,faiq mirul n kadang2 ganu n fairus,,heheh... terbaek la jln ngan korg... nex sem wat g yerr..hahaha.... ceta tekanan plak..of course la exam...haiyaa.. that thing really killing me... x tdo jwbnya... hafal buku pun ada..haha..but so far GOOD la.. mudahan lepas... malas nak repeat g em depan..huhu... tinggal 14 HARI g blek..yeay2..can't wait the time.... hehe..HOMESICK jo...
oke la...pnjang sua nie coretan x bermakna pg nie..heheheh...INSYAALAAH t akan d sambung...heheh.... selamat subul ollss.....

Sunday, February 27, 2011


F.R.I.E.N.D.S....a simple woRd buT full oF meaNing...dorG la orG yg keraP kalIk berada dI sIsI kita...PELBAgAI RAGAm KAWAn YG AdA,,DR YG BAEk,JAhAT DAn YAnG TAlAM DUA MUkA...BuT...WATEVER THEy ArE..THEy ARE THe BEST THiNG In OuR LIfe....whEn u haD a prOBLEm..WHoS u gONNA SEE AND TElL BOuT It...BLA KAMu BEGEMBIRA..SIApA YANG AKAN kmu jmpa dan kongsI ceta e2..dan bla KM PERLUKAN SESEOrg siaPA ya AKAN berada di sIsi kamU dan mendengaR rintiHan haTi seorang TEMAn yg berada dlm kesusaHan...KAWAN la yang akan menjaDi insan tersebut...walau kadaNg mereka menyakitkan haTi,namUn mereka tetaP yaNG TERBAiK DI HArI2MU....bertemU dgn insan yang bergelar TEMAN banyaK ragamnya...da yg baIk,ada yang berpura2 daN ada gak yang ikhlas....bagI teman yang baIk dan ikhlas mereka adalaH peneman hidUp yang setia..namun jika sebalIknya...mereka adalH org yanG hanya berteman dgnmU semata2 keraNa ada kepentingannya....thaT was so saD when u saiD u havE no frIends..wat the heel oF dat!!WAt U GOnNA Do.?SPEND UR TIME ALONE .?HUH.. wtF....wateveR iT is...they aRe awesOme...

Thursday, February 24, 2011


2 bulaN berlalU tanpa aQ sedarI...huh...banyak daH yag aQ perolehI..darI seorang yaNg pemalas menjadI org yaNg rajIn sikit la..hehehe...maklum la berada d tempaT org...teda siapa yang toLong cucikan bajU,masak,kemaskan tempat tdor..hahah..slalunya men antam jak...sumanya kena buat leh mama,macikQ tw nenekQ..but this time i had to do all thIs thIng by fisRst,its kind of harD but now it seem i use to to do all this...lang org pengalaman mematangkan diri..hehehe...banyak benda baru yang aQ perolehi..dapat kawan baru,tempat baru dan banyak g yang baru...susah gak berada d tempat org nie..kena pndai bw my mom said...kena ikut rentak org then br leh idup tmpat org...upanya gnie la keadaannya kalau merantaU tempat org nie....but its wonderful...rndu ngan mama,papa,macik,nenek,adik2 n kawan2 lama...huh...jeles nmpak yg len blek umh tiap weekend..aQ plak terpaksa duk diam2 kat bes gak la...leh still rndu nak lepak ngan kwn lama...2la..dulu nak sgt belajar jauh2..naa...skg da pun tw pa rsnya..hahaha...kembol..mesti kuat oke..u are youth..all things are small thins...think +ve but not -ve..hehehe....besyukur gak la dapat kawan2 yang baek...slalu tolong aQ..eheh...mata pun dah ngantuk..nitezzzzzzzzz
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